• +1 312-869-2849
  • 1 N State St FL 15 Chicago IL 60602.
  • Mon-Fri 9.00 - 17.00

Refund Policy

We offer no refund on any of our coaching programs for a very simple reason. We do not think a knowledge acquired by someone can be given back. We do not believe in people not taking commitment towards their success or growth in life. We do not believe in people hiding behind excuses do not diligently do their own part of the job.

Though we are not offering university or college programs, we believe we are not so different. The difference is that on top of the courses, we even offer all coaching and help necessary for anyone to find their first job and even build their career.

We would like to work with serious people who want to commit themselves to getting results, who will not abandon and ask for refunds and let this great opportunity of changing their lives slip through their fingers. It is our profound belief that offering refunds on such programs prevent good people from fighting for their goals and allow bad people to get a valuable knowledge for free by asking for a refund even if the program has benefited them.

So, if you are good person pursuing to build a career, we want to trust you in doing all it takes under our wings to achieve your goal. And if you are not one who can genuinely work in the interest of your own success, we are sorry, we cannot give you an easy way out.

Your membership to any of our program is for lifetime. You will have access to the course, and all resources for life and can log in anytime you want even years after you have followed any of the programs. We commit to never let any of our students down until they get their first job and until they can “fly on their own”

That comes with a cost!

Get into the program and succeed. We are eager to welcome you into one or any program of your choice. But forget about refunds. They will hold you back. Do not be distracted by anything such as a refund. There would never be one under any circumstances on Amont IT Training.

To Your Success!

The Amont IT Training Team

1 N State St FL 15 Chicago
IL 60602.

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