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This product is Coming Soon!

AWS Solutions Architect: Coming Soon


This curriculum is extensive enough not only to become very good, but also to pass your exam confidently if you want to, and most importantly land great paying AWS cloud jobs. But as you know, this is NOT just a learning program. This is a coaching program. So after you go through the learning and feel comfortable with all the labs, you will schedule your one-on-one sessions to help you build your resume, help you with exam certificates if you want to, help you with applying for jobs and successfully prepare for interviews. For more information on how we can help you further, email us at [email protected] or find answers in our faq by clicking here.

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Course Content Overview:

  • The AWS Solutions Architect is one of our most extensive
    program. This is a summary of the content of the course:
    ● Introduction to AWS
    ● Understand IAM and AWS CLI
    ● EC2 Basics
    ● EC2 Advanced for Solutions Architect
    ● EC2 Instance Storage
    ● High availability and scalability with ELB and ASG
    ● Understand RDS, Aurora and Elasticache
    ● Understand Route 53
    ● Real-life enterprise solutions examples
    ● Introduction to S3
    ● Advanced Amazon S3
    ● CloudFront Global Accelerator
    ● AWS Storage
    ● Decoupling applications (SQS, SNS, Kinesis, Active MQ)
    ● Containers on AWS: ECS, Margate, ECR, EKS
    ● Understanding Serverless deployments
    ● Serverless (advanced)
    ● Databases in the AWS cloud
    ● Data and analytics
    ● Machine Learning
    ● AWS Monitoring and Audit: CloudWatch, Cloudtrail and Config
    ● Advanced IAM
    ● Networking: VPC
    ● Disaster Recovery And Migrations
    ● Other Services

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