• +1 312-869-2849
  • 1 N State St FL 15 Chicago IL 60602.
  • Mon-Fri 9.00 - 17.00

What can we help you with?

Our program, though one of the bests on the market, does cost less than many others. This is not a simple IT course. It is a complete coaching course intended to help you build your resume, prepare for the interview, get the job and even get help through your first 6 months on the job site and later during your career. It is a full coaching program so you never fill alone at any step of embracing career in IT.
Yes, you (and anyone actually) can succeed and will succeed. Each one of the programs has in the course everything needed for anyone to have the knowledge and develop the necessary experience to be ready for jobs, get the jobs and build their career in IT. Remember, after the course, we help you with your resume, help you with job search and interview prep and you have a community behind you ready to help for 6 months and over. Most people become very confident in a new job after their first 3 to 6 months if they have had the opportunity to build a solid foundation. Our coaching program is the solid foundation you can build your IT career upon.
First we are sorry for that experience. And our commitment towards our students is ironclad. We will put into your hand and at your feet all the materials and resources you need to succeed as long as you commit to put in the necessary work to read the materials and follow the instructions.
We are IT professionals with more than a hundred years of experience combined. People in our team are in 6 figures IT jobs. Weandour students are landing good highly paid jobs every single day and you will be one very soon after you enroll and follow the courses and the valuable materials available in your member area.
We offer a 6 months zero interest payment on all our programs. Pay fully in 6 months and you pay no interest on the initial purchase amount. You can click here to see if you qualify for a 6 months no interest payment.
Yes, all our programs are a combination of pre-recorded classes, live classes, Q&A, Live chats and some 1 on 1 sessions. And most live sessions are also recorded and made available for as many re-watchs as possible in your member area.
Yes all our programs are sanctioned by a certificate of achievement/completion that you can proudly use to prove that you have been trained and are good to excel in your field. Our programs also get you ready to take exams confidently so you can also add the exam certificate(s) to your curriculum
Yes, you can find a lot of great jobs after our program even if you do not sit for an exam or get an exam based certificate. All companies are not alike. Some will ask for exam certificates before you land a job with them. But many others only look for a High School Diploma or equivalent and your experience in the IT domain and the fact that you demonstrate knowledge during the job interview. Though exams' certifications are great, they are not a must for many jobs. And again you can confidently pass exams after our programs.
If your are interested in a particular course that we don't have yet, contact our help by email at [email protected] and we will see how we can help.
IT professionals understand the language of IT. Even if you don't speak great English, you will still land great highly paid IT jobs as long as you are technically good and know what you do or are doing. If you are already working a low income job the way you are speaking English now, you can do a high paid IT job. And we have a lot of students landing great high paid six figures IT jobs every single day. The IT sector is full of people who speak bad English, broken English or good English with strong accent. Do not let that deter you from achieving your goal.
First and foremost, we are sorry to know that you have been scammed in the past. But Amont IT is in business since 2018. We are a registered Business and we won't disappear just because we got your payment.
No, we offer no refund on any of our programs under any circumstances. Webelieve in good people doing their best to commit to their own success. We believe in the impossibility of taking back from someone the knowledge that has been shared with them. Wewant to work with people who know what they want and will commit to it and put in the efforts, not people who will purchase our program, not commit to it, waste their own time and ours then ask for a refund. Our program is not to teach you a business that you may fail to do successfully. Our program is to get you skilled enough to be hired for IT jobs. And everyone with no exception will always get the skills and ability to get the job after getting the knowledge, building the resume and taking part actively in the interview prep sessions. And even when in a rare situation, someone would still not get a job soon after completing the program, they will still be able to finally launch a job if they keep perfecting their skills with the help of our community. We are "go getters". Come join us. The guarantee of a refund hold so many good people back when it comes to putting the effort for their success. So to sum up, no refund under any circumstances.
Yes, all the courses are extensive with a lot of lab sessions enough for you to take and pass your certification. If you need more help reviewing materials, ask questions in the live chat or Q&A. But be mindful that all exams related help will be for you to be confident enough to sit for the exam yourself. No one from our team will ever take the exam for you and you should denounce anyone who offers otherwise.
Yes, all students who want to enroll in a new program can get a 25% discount on a new program. Email us at [email protected] to get a discount code to apply to your next program enrollment.
Yes, we love our students who bring in business. Go to training.amontit.com/affiliate to get your custom invitation link or affiliate ID so you can get a 10% commission on your friend enrollment.
We are open to all opportunities and partnerships. If you are an instructor with a great course and are willing to be part of our community to help our students achieve their goals, send us an email at [email protected]
We do not offer a refund on any of the programs. If you enrolled in the wrong program and want to change, we can offer you a 25% discount on the new program you want to enroll in. You will have access to both programs in your member area.
Yes, you can follow our program from anywhere in the world as long as you have a good internet connection. No, we cannot help you get jobs in the US if you are living outside the US or are not allowed to work in the U.S. Most companies or recruiters have their own rules when it comes to hiring and you need to be legally eligible for work in the U.S before you may get a job in the US. But great highly paid IT jobs are available in almost all big countries in the world especially in western countries.
Yes, almost all of our programs do not require any previous background in coding or programming. And unless you pick a program that is specifically labeled "coding" or "programming", you would be able to take it successfully. Our Linux system administration program has a shell scripting that will introduce you to programming. But it is so basic and you will learn and get used to it very easily.
How can you help me? Certificates are great "presumptive" proves of knowledge. But they do not guarantee you a job. A Recruiter wants to see more than your certificate. And weirdly enough, they verify your certificate only after they have already hired you and rarely the opposite. So join us quickly choosing the program you want or the program closest to your IT certificates and we can accelerate our coaching for you to skyrocket the odds in your favor.
First, you are right that the IT field is really diversified. But that does not prevent you or anyone from being very specific in their IT career path by being useful for companies in that specific field. Second, it is totally up to you to work toward growth in your career. There are two main ways to grow one's IT career. Learning more "transversally" and embracing side specialties (for exemple learning AWS before or after you become a Linux sysadmin, or learning Network before or after you become a Cybersecurity specialist) is one way of developing one's skills in IT. The other way is to stay in the same specialty and move up the skill/knowledge ladder. That's when you go from a Linux Systems administrator to becoming a Linux Engineer or you go from an entry level cloud specialist to a cloud solutions architect or cloud developper, or you go from an Associate level to a Professional level in your domain. Our point is, the possibilities are endless for growth. But at the same time anyone can decide to stay at the same level in their career hopefully to not or never become obsolete or unnecessary in their domain and the least recommendable thing is for anyone to at least review and update their professional capabilities every other or every three years so they can befit their own professional career requirements no matter what their profession is. Bottom line is you can definitely decide to stay at the same level if you want to.
There was a time when the IT field is considered to be reserved for Nerds. Not that much anymore. Almost everyone is "in the IT field" in some way with all these technologies we have to use almost everyday. If you can log in to a computer, send an email, use nowadays more and more sophisticated android or Apple devices, and as long as you are willing to learn, you will be able to successfull learn and be skilled enough to get a job and hold it in the IT field. And we have helped so many people go from their low income jobs to successfully embrace the IT career no matter their background or language skills related to English.
We understand it may be difficult to choose a program or a curriculum. Please contact us or send us an email at [email protected] and one of our orientation and career specialist will be more than happy to discuss your background, priorities and career plan to advise you and help with choosing a program that fits you.
All our courses are in English. If you do not speak English at all and you haven't successfully followed any course at all in English, we recommend you take some English as Second Language (ESL) classes before you enroll. By enrolling without taking some ESL courses it will be difficult to understand and follow along properly or it may put more burden on you to have to translate everything in your target language. We do not offer courses in a language other than English for now.
Though not having a high school Diploma or equivalent can be an obstacle at first view, it is still possible to work around the limitations that may entail. Many employers may not hire an IT professional without a high school Diploma or equivalent, but some still will; especially when the lack of a high school Diploma is hindered or compensated by some years of experience or demonstration of ability through obtaining some IT certificates. So if you do not have a high school Diploma or equivalent, you will need to work harder to pass an IT exam and get a certificate to prove your abilities. While many other people who hold a high school Diploma or equivalent may not need such certificates, those may become your only way to prove your abilities to a potential employer. Our recommendation, without second thought, is for you to enroll in our entry level program, the desktop technician program, and try to sit for the Comptia A+ exam and pass it so you can use it in lieu of a high school Diploma equivalent related to the IT field. And when you are able to get a job with that, while on the job, you can enroll in another more advanced program, complete it successfully and also pass the specific exam related to that advanced program so the combination of your exam certificates and work experience can always encourage a potential Recruiter or employer to overlook your lack of high school Diploma. But please, before you follow this recommendation, make sure you will be able to understand and follow all the concepts and training materials developed during the course. If your level of education will prevent you from understanding and you will not be able to learn and successfully pass the Comptia A+ exam, you may be stuck at some level without being able to grow and that will be a bad situation you may not want to put or find yourself in.

1 N State St FL 15 Chicago
IL 60602.

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